Driver side
Driver side : component function check
Is the inspection result normal? YES >> Door lock actuator is OK.
NO >> Refer to DLK-92, "DRIVER SIDE : Diagnosis Procedure".
Driver side : diagnosis procedure
Regarding Wiring Diagram information, refer to DLK-41, "Wiring Diagram".
1.Check door lock actuator input signal
Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> replace front door lock actuator lh .
No >> go to 2.
2.Check door lock actuator circuit
Is the inspection result normal? YES >> GO TO 3.
NO >> Repair or replace harness.
3.Check bcm output signal
Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> check for internal short of each door lock actuator.
No >> replace bcm. Refer to bcs-73, "removal and installation".
Passenger side
Passenger side : component function check
1.Check function
Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> door lock actuator is ok.
No >> refer to dlk-93, "passenger side : diagnosis procedure".
Passenger side : diagnosis procedure
Regarding wiring diagram information, refer to dlk-41, "wiring diagram".
1.Check door lock actuator input signal
Is the inspection result normal? YES >> Replace front door lock actuator (RH).
NO >> GO TO 2.
2.Check door lock actuator circuit
Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 3.
No >> repair or replace harness.
3.Check bcm output signal
Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> check for internal short of each door lock actuator.
No >> replace bcm. Refer to bcs-73, "removal and installation".
Rear lh
Rear lh : component function check
1.Check function
Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> door lock actuator is ok.
No >> refer to dlk-94, "rear lh : diagnosis procedure".
Rear lh : diagnosis procedure
Regarding Wiring Diagram information, refer to DLK-41, "Wiring Diagram".
1.Check door lock actuator input signal
Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> replace rear door lock actuator lh.
No >> go to 2.
2.Check door lock actuator circuit
Is the inspection result normal? YES >> GO TO 3.
NO >> Repair or replace harness.
3.Check bcm output signal
Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> check for internal short of each door lock actuator.
No >> replace bcm. Refer to bcs-73, "removal and installation".
Rear RH
REAR RH : Component Function Check
1.Check function
Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> door lock actuator is ok.
No >> refer to dlk-95, "rear rh : diagnosis procedure".
REAR RH : Diagnosis Procedure
Regarding wiring diagram information, refer to dlk-41, "wiring diagram".
1.Check door lock actuator input signal
Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> replace rear door lock actuator rh.
No >> go to 2.
2.Check door lock actuator circuit
Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 3.
No >> repair or replace harness.
3.Check bcm output signal
Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> check for internal short of each door lock actuator.
No >> replace bcm. Refer to bcs-73, "removal and installation".
Diagnosis system (BCM)
Common item
Common item : consult function (bcm - common item)
Application item
Consult performs the following functions via can communication with bcm.
Direct diagnostic mode
Ecu identification
The bcm part number is displayed.
Self Diagnostic Result
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
Each tire, including the spare (if provided),
should be checked monthly when cold and inflated
to the inflation pressure recommended by
the vehicle manufacturer on the vehicle placard
or tire inflation pressure label. (If your vehicle has
tires of a different size than the size indicated on
th ...
B0098 Front door satellite sensor RH
The front door satellite sensor RH is wired to the air bag diagnosis sensor
unit. The air bag diagnosis sensor
unit will monitor the front door satellite sensor RH for internal failures and
its circuits for communication errors.