Nissan Sentra manuals

Nissan Sentra Service Manual: Rear suspension

Service data and specifications (SDS)
Wheel Alignment (Unladen*1) UNITED STATES and CANADA *1: Fuel, engine coolant, and lubricants are full. Spare tire, jack, hand tools, and mats are in designated positions. *2: The difference ...


Other materials:

Anti-pinch inspection
Description If any of the following operations are performed, the initialization is necessary for normal operation of antipinch function. Disconnection and connection of battery cable from negative terminal. When power window main switch replaced. Electric power supply to power window ma ...

Evaporative emission system
Inspection EVAP CANISTER 1.CHECK EVAP CANISTER Block port (B). Blow air into port (A) and check that it flows freely out of port (C). Release blocked port (B). Apply vacuum pressure to port (B) and check that vacuum pressure exists at the ports (A) and (C). Block port (A) and (B). ...

System description
COMPONENT PARTS Component Parts Location Transaxle assembly STRUCTURE AND OPERATION Sectional View 3rd input gear 3rd-4th synchronizer hub assembly 4th input gear 5th input gear 5th-6th synchronizer hub assembly 6th input gear Transaxle case 6th main gear 5 ...

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