Diagnosis Procedure
Check if battery terminals are clean and tight.
Is the inspection result normal? YES >> GO TO 2.
NO >> Repair battery terminal connection. Confirm repair by performing complete Charging system test using EXP-800 NI or GR8-1200 NI (if available). Refer to the applicable Instruction Manual for proper testing procedures.
2.Check fuse
Check for blown fuse and fusible link.
Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 3.
No >> replace the blown fuse or fusible link after repairing the affected circuit.
3.Check generator ground terminal connection
Check if connector f17 terminal 5 and 6 is clean.
Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 4.
No >> repair connection.
4.Check drive belt tension
Check drive belt tension. Refer to chg-29, "removal and installation".
Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> inspection end.
No >> repair as needed.
Turn signal switch
Turn signal
Move the lever up or down to signal the
turning direction. When the turn is completed,
the turn signal cancels automatically.
Lane change signal
To signal a lane change, move the lever up or
down to the point where the indicator light
begins to flash, but the lever ...
Driver side power window does not operate
Diagnosis Procedure
1.Check front power window motor (driver side)
Check front power window motor (driver side).
Refer to pwc-43, "driver side : diagnosis procedure".
Is the inspection result normal?
Yes >> go to 2.
No >> repair or replace the malfunctioning parts.
Removal and installation
Power socket
Removal and installation
Front console power socket
Remove the cvt/mt shift selector finisher. Refer to ip-14, "exploded
Remove cap from the front console power socket.
Remove the screws (a) and the storage bin (1).
Disconnect the harness ...